We can't wait to meet you!
No matter if this is your first time visiting or you've been here before, you are welcome!

What is worship like?

We celebrate worship on both Saturday evenings at 5: 30 PM and on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM.  The Saturday worship is a praise and song style with inclusion of Holy Communion.  It is somewhat lighter version of our normal Lutheran liturgy designed nearly 30 years ago to reach those who were new to a liturgical setting for worship.  Sunday is that liturgical setting, with more of the traditional aspects of Lutheran worship.    

What about my kids?

Kids are welcome of course, what church could call itself a church that does not live up the mandate of Jesus to "suffer the little children to come unto me".  There is a nursery available for those who feel uncomfortable about their children's 'boisterousness'.  We as a congregation would love for all who attend to worship especially the children so that they can learn what it means to be a part of a worshiping community.

Where do I park?

Parking is at a minimum around the church though generally within a block of the front doors.  We have three different denominations on the same block so when we share worship time it is best to arrive a little early to secure a spot and be on time.

What do I wear?

We dress what some might call business casual on Sunday mornings but Saturday service, being more laid back, is come as you are.  Of course with a modicum of decorum.

How can I get connected?

There are plenty of opportunities for you to connect with congregational life from service work, to crafting, with the praise group or Sunday choir.  We engage with the community at events for all, adult and youth.  We strive to be that beacon of hope in a world that at times seems lacking in hope.