Our congregation begain in June of 1847, meeting in various places including the County Court House while preparations where being made to build the church structure. On donated land, the cornerstone was liad on August 31, 1850. One year later, the Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Church was dedicated.
Currently connected to other Lutheran churches in surrounding towns and villages, we comprise the Clearfield Conference. The conference joins with other conferences in nearby lands to form the Allegheny Synod which is one of the synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, (ELCA.)
Currently during the coronavirus pandemic we are worshiping our Lord at only one congregation service per week. You can check the schedule elsewhere on the site for dates and times, either the Saturday or Sunday noted on the home page.
We support many different ministries of the area, including our local food pantry, the ministerium of Clearfield, Children's Aid Society, Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Girl Scouts and others.
Though we once numbered in the 600 member range, our number of active members has given way to attrition, like so many other churches in the area. We worship less than 100 at our worship services with the Saturday afternoon worship being a 25 plus year success in praise and worship style and Sunday in the more traditional Lutheran liturgy. We are currently using the newest Evangelical Lutheran Worship service book. Holy Communon is offered at every service with very few liturgical exceptions (such as Good Friday).
Our congregation is reflective of its age, though we have a number of young families and children who attend. You are certainly welcome to join us as we praise God for the week behind and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit for the week ahead. Please feel free to stop in and experience the Lutheran expression of our shared Christian faith.